今回、弊社で提供するConversation Partnerに現在学生ボランティアとして参加しているアメリカ高校生のOlivia Bruner(オリビア・ブルーナー)さんにインタビューを敢行した。内容として、このプログラムに参加した理由、感想、日米学生の文化の違いやプログラムの価値などについてインタビュー形式でをまとめている。
*Conversation Partnerとは?:https://bit.ly/2LkcvIx
※北海道・深川市にあるクラーク記念国際高等学校(本校)は、クラス単位でConversation Partnerに参加しています。実際のセッションの様子も動画として納めているため以下から詳細記事をご覧いただけます。

Olivia Bruner(オリビア・ブルーナー)
ーーConversation Partnerに参加した理由を教えてください。

ーーこれまで実施してきたConversation Partnerの中で盛り上がった回は何ですか?
ーーConversation Partnerの価値は何ですか?

ーーこれからConversation Partnerを受けようとしているアメリカと日本人学生に一言お願いします。
「是非参加してみてください。Conversation Partnerプログラムは、地球の反対側へ住む人たちと繋がりその人達のことをたくさん知ることができる素晴らしい機会です。このプログラムに参加した人達と会話してみても皆良いことばかり話していますし、私もそれに賛成です。」
今回インタビューに協力してくれたオリビアさん以外にもConversation Partnerに約40名ほどアメリカ人学生が参加している。コロナの影響で現場で実施できなかったConversation Partnerだが、Zoomを介しオンライン上で実施することで留学関係なく現地にいる同世代の学生と関わる機会がここにある。参加無料で日本人コーディネーターの方もいるので英語が苦手な方でもスムーズに参加可能となっている。留学に興味のある方はもちろんネイティブと英語で会話したい気持ちがある方にとって有意義な時間になるはずだ。
Conversation Partnerの詳細はこちらから
English Ver
Why did you join Conversation Partner?
"I joined because I thought it was an amazing opportunity. Getting to meet people from a totally different country and culture, learning about them, and also getting to help them improve their English sounded amazing and is amazing!"
What were your impressions after you participate in the program?
"I loved it! The program is well put together, allows American students and Japanese students to meet new people each week and learn a little bit about each other. The meetings are a highlight of my week every week!"
What do you keep in mind when you talk with a Japanese student, a non-native speaker of English?
"I think the biggest thing is not trying to rush them. A second language is always difficult, so giving the Japanese students time to think through the question and put together a response is really important. Also being kind, smiling, and encouraging your partner so they feel comfortable and enjoy the conversation."
What personality differences did you notice between Japanese students and Americans when you interacted with Japanese students?
"I did not really see a big difference in personalities between Japanese and American students. I could say that the students I did interact with from Japan were shy at first, but I think that the language barrier was to blame for that. Everyone on both sides were kind, enthusiastic, and really easy to talk to!"
Were there any things that surprised you when you were talking with Japanese students? Cultural differences, etc.
"I was definitely surprised by the difference in how Americans and Japanese celebrate different events and holidays. I had no idea that in Japan, going door to door asking for candy was not a thing, but dressing up and parties were huge for Halloween. I was also surprised by their school system, and the differences in number of years, class requirements, and other things."
What was the most exciting time you have had as a Conversation Partner?
"I’ve loved and enjoyed every week that I have been a part of the program, but the most exciting time for me was when I met a girl who loved the same TV show as I did. It was a lot of fun getting to talk about the show and comparing our favorite characters. So really, I get excited when I connect with someone else over a mutual love of something."
What is the value of Conversation Partner?
"I think there is a lot of value to being a part of the program. You get to meet new people and learn a bunch of new things, Japanese students get to improve their English skills and American students get to help them improve these skills, and it is just worth the small amount of time it takes a week in my opinion."
Does this type of event exist in the US? If so, what are they like?
"I have not heard of anything like this program. The closest I can think of is the foreign exchange program, where students come from abroad to visit America for a few weeks and see how it is here. Other than that, the conversation program is pretty unique."
What would you like to say to American and Japanese students who are deciding to participate in the Conversation Partner program?
"Do it! The Conversation Partner program is an amazing opportunity to connect with people from the other side of the world and learn so much about them! Everyone who I have spoken to who took part in the program had nothing but good things to say, and I agree!"
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